Monday, March 2, 2009

In the spirit of...

So, as a claims adjuster there are many terms & acronyms that I deal with on a daily basis. One of my favorites (but probably shouldn't be) is "defacto..."This can mean fees, penalties, etc in my working world. In my "mommy" world, it's just how I run.

Here it is March 1st, and though I have yet to set New Year's Resolutions or even begin to think of what they'd be, I thought I'd give it a try.

1) watch less tv - so far, so good (for day 1)... it's amazing to me how one episode of Spongebob can lead to 5 hours of it!
2) be "mindful and in the present"...never thought that my class with Jerry Braza in college could actually mean so much! I find myself getting so frustrated with my little guys - and have to remember that this is a perfect example of when "defacto" is a good thing. So I'm not exactly on time every where I go - who cares! I only get so many minutes with my little ones as it is, so darn it, I'm doing to enjoy every second of those minutes!
3) try reading more - and not case law! My parents gave me "The Shack" for Christmas. I was very hesitant to start reading it - I'm an emotional wreck! I think that being a parent has made me that way...just ask Tim. I cannot & refuse to watch any type of drama (TV show or movie) - commercials kill me (especially St. Jude, etc). But I have to admit, this book is AWESOME and has really made me think more about #2 above.
4) spend 15 minutes every evening "blessing" my house - okay, so I stole that one from FLYLADY, but after a couple of nights, I feel better about the appearance of the house. It's not spotless by any means but it's not a complete disaster!

So, defacto can be a positive...maybe just not in the workers' comp world!

1 comment:

Dannika said...

Yay! I was waiting for a new post. I love following the happenings of the Ragan household.
I read 'The Shack' and I too thought it was amazing. It really gives you a great new persective. Before I started it I had heard from people that it was really good but hard to get through the beginning. By this I thought they just meant it was dry. I was grossly mistaken and for the entirety of the book believed that I was reading a true story. Needless to say I was VERY disturbed and then VERY relieved to know it was fabricated. I'm so glad you read it. I recommend it to all!