Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I was tagged (quite a while ago, sorry) by my friends Emma & Beth to give 7 random facts

The rules are: Link to the person who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
  • Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
  • Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs
  • Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 random facts about me:

1.) I hate fish. I cannot stand the smell or taste of it. This is hard for my husband who will jump at the chance to go to dinner at Red Lobster or any other fish house he can find...

2.) I have a fear of driving off of a bridge with my boys in the car. This fear is so bad, that Tim has purchased a tool for my Jeep just in case! I have a game plan in my head as to how I would escape with both the me this is a daily fear that crosses my mind at least twice a day (to drive to work & daycare & back home, I have to drive over a bridge. That's twice a day!)

3.) I play a mean game of "barrel of monkey's!" This was even a secret to my husband of 6 years! My parents gave Ty a set for his 3rd birthday - I was more excited than anyone else. I couldn't wait to showcase my least I have a reason to now!

4.) I love doing random crafts & projects...when I have the time to.

5.) I have a degree in Health Education and I'm a claims adjuster...hmmm

6.) I'm a home body. I love getting together with family & friends, but prefer to do it at my house...I'm not sure why & our home is not that big, so hard to do the entertaining thing...maybe why is doesn't happen very often!

7.) Constant noise drives me insane! If the TV is on, Tim is talking to me, Zach is crying & Ty has a noisy toy going...I just about jump out of my skin! Tim laughs at me all the time, he can tell before I can that I'm going to lose it!

I tag Brienne. I know that is not "7" people... Did I mention that I break the rules too!

Twas the week before Christmas...

...and all through the house, only one parent was working 'cause the snow has come down. The weather outside is so cold & white, it is quite an unusual site! Daddy and mommy juggle working and daycare, while keeping the boys from catching cabin fever.

On day 1 we made cookies, day 2 we played games, day 3 brings Christmas crafts & lots of diapers to change; day 4 and day 5 who knows what they will bring - we pray that it's not the freezing rain!

We pray all of our loved ones and friends will be safe, and we wish you a very Merry Christmas, 2008!!

Happy Holidays from our family to yours