This was a busy month for us - I was so grateful to have 2 Holidays this month (New Year's Day & Martin Luther King Jr). Work felt like it was getting out of control & I spent a couple of Saturday's in the office just trying to keep my head above water. Then, at the end of the month, I had to make an overnight trip to Medford to meet with some accounts. I was thankful that Tim didn't have too much of a fit with me leaving him with the boys, and my in-laws assisted with getting the boys to and from daycare those 2 days.
While I was in Medford, I was selected as the "VIP" for the night. At first, I thought that my co-worker was playing some kind of trick on me. She got really excited for me - letting me know that when that happened to her, she was upgraded to the Honeymoon suite for the night. The clerk checking me in laughed, saying "you got the honeymoon suite huh...well, she is getting the Presidential Suite!" I couldn't believe it - nothing like this has ever happened to me before!! It was beautiful!!! (I'd like to credit my last name for this amazing surprise!) I had 700 square feet to myself - it had a living room, dining area, bar with 5 stools, a hot tub in the bedroom, and a King size pillow top bed! WOW!! But the best part of all - it was already clean & I didn't have to pick up after anyone!! I'd love to attach photos, however, they are on my cell phone & I cannot figure out how to email them to put up here. If you see me - ask to see them...