Just an update on what we've been up to these past couple of weeks! You guessed it (okay, so I gave it away in the title), but yes it's true, Ty is attempting the potty training thing - so I'm up for any pointers!! and Zach is teething - 6 at one time. That's right, 6! I say lets get them all in at once so I can sleep through the night. I have a couple of 4 day weekends coming up & am hopeful that we can get Ty actually going on the potty, rather than just saying he has to go so he gets 3 M&M's...
I'm having a wisdom tooth pulled on the 4th, and not looking forward to it. I had 2 pulled when I was 20, and this past April while I was pregnant, 1 more came in! I could have died!!! And if you know me, I hate the dentist! I had such a horrible experience with my last appointment (to get the first two wisdom teeth pulled) that I haven't been back since. My co-worker's dad is a dentist & she promised me that he would be awesome. So, I was a big girl & actually walked into his office to schedule an appointment. I almost puked right there in the office from my nerves. Long story short, I had an exam & even went back a couple of weeks later for a cleaning - I'm such a "big girl" - I went all by myself! Now the actual pulling of the tooth is coming...good thing I have a prescription for some Xanax. He told me to take 2 before my appointment, then smiles & says, "you know, why don't you bring the bottle with you just in case!" Funny guy, huh?!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Yoga anyone??
So we live in a real liberal part of the state...far far far away from sagebrush & cow country. I've been here for 10 years now & still haven't gotten used to it! For Tim though, this is much calmer & more conservative than say, San Francisco - he spent his middle & high school years there...
We learned early on that Zach is much more flexible than Ty ever was. Check out these cool yoga moves...

We learned early on that Zach is much more flexible than Ty ever was. Check out these cool yoga moves...

Saturday, November 22, 2008
5:59 am...

"Hey mommy?.... mommy?.... Hey mommy? I have my books." This is what I hear this morning, yes at 5:59am. Luckily (or maybe not?) I had just crawled back into bed after giving Zach his binky. He was back to sleep & I thought for sure I'd get at least another hour of zzz's myself! Not so! If you look closely, you can see the books tucked under Ty's arm. I could not stop laughing, mostly because I was so tired. The tears just kept coming. Ty jumped into our bed while I went to the bathroom. I came out & he asked me to turn on the light! Good thing I'm a morning person...can't say the same for Tim!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Hanging out

This week has been an odd one. Work has been crazy, not busy crazy, just crazy - it's not even a full moon! I realized that I haven't posted in over a week & since I have yet to get our newest photos sent out to friends & family (or posted here), I thought I'd take a few snap shots of my little guys playing together tonight.
Friday nights for us, usually means early to bed for the boys. They've had a long week at day care with their friends, and Tim and I are glad the weekend is finally here! Tonight I asked Ty, "is everybody sleeping in until 7am tomorrow," his response..."Um, sure"...I'll see him by 6am, I guarantee!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
"Out of the mouths of Babes"
Tyler has a great vocabulary for a 3 year old. There are a few words though that have been 'his' words for things. For example, he REALLY likes poppyseed muffins - in fact, that is all he eats for breakfast. Anyway, he would call them 'fumpins', this was really cute, and it took a LONG time to get him to say muffin. Now he says it correctly. Recently, he has started asking for 'keanut butter' sanwiches - yes, that is sanwich, not sandwich, and keanut, not peanut. He used to say it correctly, but gives a little smile just prior to saying it - he knows he's pushing my buttons!
The ultimate though, came tonight. He has an old set of "marble works" - we got these at a garage sale a year ago, and Ty absolutely loves them! Well, tonight he asked to play them as we were walking through the garage on our way into the house. I told him he could play, so while Tim was cooking dinner and I was feeding Zach, Ty was all about the marbles. When I actually took a second to listen to him, I realized that he wasn't saying marbles, instead he was saying "marlboros" - Ummm when can I get him into preschool?!! Wait, scratch that idea, I don't want his friend's parents thinking that we let him smoke at the age of 3.
The ultimate though, came tonight. He has an old set of "marble works" - we got these at a garage sale a year ago, and Ty absolutely loves them! Well, tonight he asked to play them as we were walking through the garage on our way into the house. I told him he could play, so while Tim was cooking dinner and I was feeding Zach, Ty was all about the marbles. When I actually took a second to listen to him, I realized that he wasn't saying marbles, instead he was saying "marlboros" - Ummm when can I get him into preschool?!! Wait, scratch that idea, I don't want his friend's parents thinking that we let him smoke at the age of 3.
Warning Label was missing...
On Friday night, Zach was having a really rough time. Tim and I had gone out to dinner, and when we picked the boys up from Ama & Papa's house (Tim's parents) Zach was just crying - his painful, gassy cry. We don't often hear this cry from him as he is quite a happy baby. So we got him home & a dose of mylicon in him and he seemed to settle down. By noon on Saturday, he hadn't had a poopy diaper yet, so I (thinking this was such a great idea) gave him some prunes. That should help him, right? Well it did...a few hours later, he was feeling much better. It didn't stop there though. You see, I don't like it when either of my boys are not feeling well, so I thought that I'd help prevent the constipation...I gave him more prunes on Sunday around noon. Let's just say that by 6 or 6:30 that night, we had the most amazing surprise! I've never ever seen anything quite like it!!! I'll spare the details for those that may have sensitive stomachs - but if I had scissors within arms reach, those would have been used to remove the clothing! Ah, the joys (and surprises) of parenthood.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Learning curve
So in the short time that I've been blogging, I'm learning a lot:
1) you cannot get two little ones to take a nap at the same time
2) the internet is really slow at 8 o'clock at night (everyone is online)
3) when you work with Macros & customized computer programs all day long, it takes a little bit of time to remember basic computer skills (i.e. saving a document to your computer!)
4) 9pm is just way too late when you get up @ 4:30am
I promise my posts will get better as I learn my way around this foreign program known as a blog... it makes me think that maybe I should have paid closer attention in my college computer science class - who knew that "0's" and "1's" could mean so much?!!??!!!
1) you cannot get two little ones to take a nap at the same time
2) the internet is really slow at 8 o'clock at night (everyone is online)
3) when you work with Macros & customized computer programs all day long, it takes a little bit of time to remember basic computer skills (i.e. saving a document to your computer!)
4) 9pm is just way too late when you get up @ 4:30am
I promise my posts will get better as I learn my way around this foreign program known as a blog... it makes me think that maybe I should have paid closer attention in my college computer science class - who knew that "0's" and "1's" could mean so much?!!??!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Giving in...
Okay, so I've held off on the whole 'My Space', 'Face book', and blogging thing, but have realized that anymore, I have to do something in order to keep in touch with friends and family. Now that I have two little ones (Ty is 3 and Zach is almost 6 months), emailing photos to family/friends gets harder & harder every week. I thought this might be a great way to keep everyone updated - without forgetting anyone (hopefully)! And not to mention, getting in touch with some of my long-lost friends. Enjoy!
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